Monday, May 31, 2010

This week!‏

Hey Family!

So this week was good! A few things out of the ordinary - Zone Conference on tuesday! Always something I look forward to, and this one was great. It´s the last one with Pres and Sister Myrrha! I can´t believe it, but they leave June 30 (my one year mark!) They showed us a picture of the new president and his wife and told us a little bit about them - they´re from the same place as the president now, Belo Horizonte. They´re also young, I think even a little younger, and he´s worked for years with the church educational system, institute and stuff. So they seem really awesome! The Ribeiros. They get here July 1! So we´ll see how that goes! But the conference was amazing, we learned a lot, discussed a lot, and even got the flu vaccine!

Which turned out to have some adverse consequences....I´m pretty sure it actually gave me the flu! No, I don´t even know if that´s possible, and I don´t have the flu because I haven´t had a fever. But after the vaccine I definitely haven´t been normal:P But it´s ok, I´m totally fine, no worries, just some sneezy/coughiness. But on Friday Sister Witmer got sick (food poisoning type) so we stayed home all day. That was kind of hard, I had kind of forgotten what it´s like not to be busy! But it was nice to rest a little as I wasn´t feeling great either.

But as for the work we did get done this week, it was good. Kind of a downer on Wednesday when Tiago called and cancelled his appointment for that night, and then wouldn´t re-schedule. Just said, "Oh, I´ll just call you another time...." which basically means he doesn´t want any more. But we´re not giving up on him! We´re going to pass by another day and surprise him, talk a little bit and find out why he´s giving up. It´s so strange, he was SO excited. The enemy really works on people when they start getting on the right path.

So we started working in a really interesting neighborhood, where we found a ton of inactive members! I don´t know how, we had never met or heard of any of them, but we were just knocking doors and at 3 houses the people said they were already members but hadn´t been in a long time. One, Ricardo, found us in the street! We were walking past us and he said, "Sister!" in this wistful, kind of sad way. So we started talking and asked if he had already known missionaries, and he said he was baptized 20 years ago after being taught by sisters! He said he´d been inactive 15 years but wanted to come back so badly. There must have been some kind of confusion, because he said the bishop in that era had told him not to come to church anymore, which is impossible. He must have misunderstood. But anyway, we invited him to a family night that very night, and he came! It was great. He said he´d come Sunday, but didn´t...but we´ll get him to come next week. He´s really great, really humble, such a good person.

But that´s kind of it for this week - we´re still doing all we can to get the members on our side so the ward can really grow. It´s going, slowly, but going! I know everything will turn out fine, because we´re doing our best. I´m so glad to be here, even in the hard times, because I´m learning things I would never learn anywhere else, that will change my future for eternity. I´m so grateful for this opportunity. Thank you all so much for helping me get here. I know this is the work of the Lord, and I know that if we´re humble and faithful we can be instruments in His hands to bring about His great work. The time is flying by, and I´m trying to take advantage of it while it´s still here! I love you all and can´t wait to hear more from you. Have an amazing week!

Til next tme!
Sister Madsen

Monday, May 24, 2010

Week 3, Ipiranga‏

Hey guys!

How is everyone doing? It was great to hear from Dad, and I got a box from you guys last week after I wrote!:D So that was great. However, I need to see pictures of Carrie as soon as possible!;) Thanks so much for writing me and supporting me.

So this week was good! To be honest, it´s been a little difficult in this ward, but nothing insurmountable. There´s just a lack of union between the members and the missionaries. Apparently things have happened in the past that have left awkwardness on both sides...I´m not sure what, this is just what I hear. So I think our work in this area has to start with that! Nothing can happen until we´re unified with the members. They´re the ones that know who´s prepared to receive the gospel, and without us working together, we can never help the ward grow. (I hope you guys are taking notes on this for your own wards! I never realized how crucial it is that the members work with the missionaries. I was terrible before the mission! But, absolutely nothing can happen in missionary work until the members are involved, looking around in their own lives for who´s prepared, and introducing them to the missionaries. There´s actually an amazing video called Small and Simple Things made by a mission in California that shows how amazing it can be. Go try to find it online, it must exist somewhere out there. Watch it, it´s amazing!) So we´re trying to make lunches with the members a great time, really get to know them, give great messages after, and show them we´re working hard so they´ll trust us.

So as far as the investigators....Tiago, our perfect investigator, had a little bit of difficulty this week. When we taught the Word of Wisdom and invited him to stop drinking coffee, he accepted immediately, saying he thought it was better to stop completely immediately rather than diminishing. But when we came back, he said he hadn´t made any progress at all, and he didn´t think he would be able to. He said he didn´t think something so small was really shook his faith, somehow. He even said he couldn´t come to church, when on Wednesday he had been so excited. I´m not sure exactly what happened, but he´s experiencing a lot of opposition. He said he would pray and ask if he really needed to stop drinking coffee, but if he didn´t get an answer or felt like the answer was no, he would not only continue to drink it, but stop investigating the church:( I was so surprised to hear all this from him. So we´re fasting and praying that he can get a clear answer he´ll recognize, and know he needs to be baptized.

So what else interesting happened? Hmmm, a great experience with the Relief Society president! She´s a return missionary, so kind of judges us harshly, having been where we are, but we´ve been trying to gain her trust. So it seems like we did, as she shared with us an amazing experience she had. So she said she had been praying and praying for a referral to give us, but just couldn´t think of anyone. So then walking home from an activity in the chapel, she and her daughter took a road they didn´t usually take, and ended up almost running into an old investigator of the other sisters, Azarias. So apparently when he saw her he shook her hand, started to cry, and told her that his life was all wrong and he knew he needed to come back to church. (She was the teacher for the New Members class, so knew him really well.) So she said she´d send us there, challenged him to go to church on Sunday, and said it was an amazing experience. She said she felt a voice that said, "Azarias is the referral!" So that was an amazing experience hearing from her. He didn´t come on Sunday:(, and we´ve passed by his house 3 times without him being there, but we won´t give up!

So the work continues here! Sometimes difficult, always amazing, the greatest experience ever. Thank you all so much for your love, support and prayers while I´m here. I know this is exactly where I need to be, and I´m learning things here I could never learn in any other way. I love you all so much, and I know the Church is true. It´s not only good, amazing, and life changing, it´s the only church of Jesus Christ that was restored by him, not created by men. I know that, and I´m gaining more of a testimony of it every day. I love you all so much!!

Til next week,
Sister Madsen :D

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Hey everyone!

How are you all doing? I´m glad to hear camping was so great for Katie and Alex - it looks just like the pictures of when you used to take us camping when we were little, Mom and Dad! I think climbing red rock and getting dirty are must experiences for little kids.

But as for here, everything´s great! Some interesting ups and downs this week. Let me tell you about all of them -

The first "down" was that Dalva dumped us. She "asked for some time" without our visits. So that was really sad - she´s already had two dreams, been to church a bunch of times, when we took a member there to mark her baptism date she asked the member, "What is it I feel when I pray? I get goosebumps and feel like crying..." The member explained to her that it was the she´s obviously had numerous confirmations that it´s true, she´s just very timid and stuck in her ways, and won´t change her life. There´s not even really anything to change, no addictions to give up or anything...I´m not sure what she´s afraid of. BUt hopefully she´ll realize her mistake in giving up.

Another "down" was that Carolina also dumped us. We had only taught her once, but it was such an amazing lesson that I wrote about her last time, I think, and was so excited to go back this week. So we tried a few times and she wasn´t here, we called and she said she had to work, so we passed by another time and she was there, seemed surprised to see us, and when we said "Do you have time now?" she said "More or less......" So we said we could come back, but she said, "No, I´ll call you." I said, "Yeah, we have your number so we´ll give you a call!" And she said, "No no, just let me call you." So that was depressing - I KNOW she felt the Spirit during that one lesson, I have no idea why she didn´t want to pursue it.

Another interesting experience was a lesson with Fabricio and Jaqueline, a really nice Evangelical family S. Witmer had taught before I got here, and it was our first time going back. It was my first bible-bash! We tried not to bible-bash, but he kept showing us scriptures that "proved" the Book of Mormon wasn´t true, and we kept showing him scriptures that proved it was. So I tried to cut that off as soon as possible and just asked him if he´d prayed about it. He said yes, and that he didn´t feel any peace about it, and he felt the answer he´d gotten was "no". Actually, the answer he said he got was "There is none other above me" (he has the impression that we worship Joseph Smith or something) so the answer he got was actually in confirmation..........but he was too closed minded to understand.

Another fun dip on the roller-coaster of the mission was our experiences knocking doors this week. I´ve gotten more impoliteness here than anywhere else! I think it´s because it´s the most down-town/richest area I´ve been in. Yesterday a woman stuck her head out the window and when I said we were representatives of Jesus Christ, she said "No no, I have my religion." "But it´s independent of religions!" "NO, girl, didn´t you hear me? I wouldn´t waste my time! Let´s find something to do, eh?" So....we had to laugh that one off :P

But the good things about this week topped all those! :D They´re basically all centered around one investigator - Tiago. Tiago is 21, but had a friend named Moroni in high school who invited him to a few things, and he went to church a few times (he said, but then he was acting like it was all new this sunday, so I`m not sure if he just played soccer with them or actually went to church.) But anyway, S. dos Santos found him knocking doors and set up an appointment. So we went and taught him, and it was good, he had a lot of questions, but it wasn´t anything extraordinary. But then when we went back...

He went back and got his Book of Mormon before we had even sat down. He brought it out and said, "First, I have to thank you for this book." I closed my eyes and braced myself for another Fabricio-like reaction. Please don´t give it back, please don´t give it back! But then he said, "I read those parts you asked. And I prayed."
I opened my eyes again and was suddenly filled with excitement.
"And?? And??"
"And I felt so good. I know it´s true."
Sister Witmer and I burst out laughing with happiness!! It was the greatest thing. He smiled, ´probably surprised by us, doing our best not to jump up and down. So we preceded to have an AMAZING lesson. This is how it started:

Tiago: "So let me see if I understood what I read." (usualy WE ask that.) "So the Book of Mormon is the story of the ancient inhabitants of the Americas. There was Lehi, who came over from Jeruslem, and then his descendents split into two, the Nephites and the Lamanites. But then even before them there were the Jaredites, who were from...the Tower of Babel or something? I didn´t get that part exactly..."

So I realize writing this that it´s the story of the Book of MOrmon that it tells right in the introduction, so I don´t know if you guys know how amazing that is -- NO ONE I´ve ever taught understood the Book of Mormon so well. He had studied it intensely, gone on Wikipedia and the church website.....he´s the greatest, most interested investigator I´ve ever taught.

He went to church yesterday and loved it! He did teh same thing during church - "Wait, let me see if I understand" during all the classes, and wowed everyone. Everyone after was like, "Wow, Tiago is sharp! I´m excited to have him in the ward!" Everyone he talked to, he said something like, "Yeah, the Sisters are showing me the way. I didn´t know anything before, but they´re teaching me. It´s great..."

So.....that was worth all the hard parts of the week and then some:D I´m so glad to be in a position where I can help people like this, help them know the truth and become members of the true church. It´s the only church that can answer ALL of the questions, that has all the pieces of the puzzle. It´s so wonderful and so true, and I´m so happy to be a part of it. I would gladly do anything for Jesus Christ, and I know my mission is just a small way of serving Him.

I love you all so much! Thank you all for you love and support. I´ll write more next week, telling how we set a date for Tiago´s baptism! :D Have a great week!!!

Love always,

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

First week in Ipiranga!‏

Hey guys!!

It was so great to talk to everyone yesterday!!:) It was amazing to hear all of your voices. I especially loved hearing Carrie sing!! I got a little emotional knowing that she´s grown up so much, but I´m glad she still knows what I look like (even if she does like to stomp on my picture:P) But as soon as I got talking to you I just kind of started talking about whatever, so I don´t know if you guys really know a lot about what happened this week. It´s not very exciting and I think you already know most of it, but I`ll give you a rundown anyway.

So it was my first week in the new area! I´m mostly getting the hang of everything - the new neighborhood, living in an apartment with 4, etc. It´s different, but fun! Like we talked about, it´s not as crazy as I thought it would be living with 3 other girls. We´re all pretty calm, so it´s fun! A little more like having a family:P So like I said, I´m with Sister Witmer from Pennsylvania. She´s very cool - she was studying chemical engineering at BYU! So she´s really smart, and sometimes has ideas that are way beyond me. The other sisters are S. Pedrozo and S. da Silva, two Brasilians. S. Pedrozo speaks perfect English, but S. da Silva speaks zero, so she´s always funny about it - "It´s so funny when you guys speak English! Is it funny for you when we speak Portuguese?" Funny.

So this area is really good! It´s a little "nicer" than Camobi - well, there were mansion areas in Camobi too, but it also had really poor neighborhoods, which I haven´t seen any of here. It feels kind of like the Avenues. Just to get things straight, Ipiranga is another neighborhood in the city of Santa Maria, like Camobi was. Ipiranga is closer to downtown. So it looks like I´ll be spending the majority of the mission in this city, if I stay in Ipiranga as long as Camobi! So that will be cool, I really like it ehre (although I do want to pass through Livramento before I leave:D) SO we´re working with some cool people -

Dalva, who has already had two dreams since the sisters started teaching her that were confirmations that the gospel is true. We invited to be baptized next Saturday and she timidly said yes, but then when we passed her on the street later at night she said she had been worried all day and that she just couldn´t do it next saturday. So we´ll have to figure out what kind of doubts are holding her back.

I told you about Carolina, who we found knocking doors in an apartment building the other day. She was so great, understood the Restoration so well, and said she was excited to tell her whole family about it. We´re seeing her tomorrow, which I`m excited about.

And there are all kinds of great members and recent converts. The Relief Society president has been helping us a lot - she´s a return missionary, and helps us out with teaching.

So I can tell the time I spend here is going to be amazing! I´m so excited to really get the work rolling here and find more people who are prepared to hear the gospel. It´s such an amazing time in my life - the only time I´ll be an official representative of Jesus Christ. I find myself growing so much closer to Him through serving and representing Him. He really is our brother, and the Savior of the world. I know that without a doubt. Thank you all so much for your love and support. I´m so grateful to have such a loving, supportive family behind me. Know that you guys have all my love and prayers. Big hugs and kisses for everyone! I miss you all, but I know the time til I get home is going to fly, and I have to make the most of it while it lasts.

I love you!!
Sister Madsen