Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hello everyone!!

How are you?? It went from feast to famine on the emails!;) It´s fine, now I have the whole time to write you! But, I still haven´t gotten anything in the mail from you guys! It´s so weird! I got my first two letters this week, from Laura and Kevin. So I don´t know what´s up! When did you guys start sending? Hopefully it´s not lost in the mail, cause I want to hear everything! Especially about the North Dakota adventure!

So, I´m starting my FIFTH week here! I can´t believe it. This week has been good. We´ve been practice teaching a ton, which is so good for me! We´re learning how to just go into any situation and answer questions off the top of our heads. It´s hard, especially in Portuguese! We taught our teacher Brother Lopez in English and he was probably one of the toughest "investigators" I can imagine, just saying over and over again he wasn´t really interested. Kind of discouraging, but that´s probably the worst we´ll get. We´ve been finishing up the first lesson and moving on to the second. On Saturday we have TRC or Teaching...Resource Center, I think? Where you go practice teach in a super formal setting and are videoed so you can watch yourself after. But everything´s going well! Portuguese is coming well and I´m starting to love it for all its quirks, rather than be annoyed by them:) I´m starting to believe people who say it´s prettier than Spanish! Gasp! It´s all full of "sh" sounds and the French j. It really is beautiful.

So what else exciting can I tell you guys about? How about P-days! So on P-days we get to go out in the city! And sometimes go to the temple, not last week but all the others. So about the temple -- that picture of it I put on the blog is so misleading!! It looks like it´s out in the middle of nowhere with a football field of garden in front of it. But it´s in the middle of the biggest city in the southern hemisphere! They must have edited out all the buildings around it and made the gardens look huge. I just thought that was funny!

What else? Oh, we´ve been shopping for a few things, and it turns out they have pretty much all the things you´d find in an American grocery store. Not all, but a good amount. A lot of the same shampoo and lotion and stuff. And candy! But, weird things are super expensive! We think it´s the American stuff. But like some lotions in the drug store will be 30 reais! And toothpaste like 13! It´s way weird. But you can usually find a Brazilian brand for normal prices. I bought some Brazilian toothpaste! I guess the tube I brought was tiny because it´s already gone. So I bought "Close Up" and it´s pretty good! Hopefully I don´t get any cavities or anything;)

What else? Oh, food updates, right? Let´s see, just now for lunch we had more greens!! Mom would have been so proud!:) And also, probably the weirdest thing we´ve had. I was all excited when I saw them because they were skewers, which we´ve had before as churrasco (or -a, I can never remember!) But it wasn´t, they were these weird skewers of alternating pieces of hot dog and cheese, deep fried!! I don´t know if it´s a Brazil thing or the cafeteria staff trying to be creative, but it was weird. But we did have churrasco again this week which was amazing, definitely the best thing they make!! Second is probably feijoada, I think those are the only two real brazilian things they make. But feijoada is rice with black beans on top cooked with sausage, then these cooked greens on top and then some kind of like...either manioc flour or some other kind of strange flour! It says in my dictionary, but I´ll have to go look it up.

Hmmm, so what else can I update you on? Everything is going great, it´s really hard sometimes, like after that hard lesson, but it´s so worth it. I can´t wait to start teaching people!! I love everyone, our district is great. Sister Johnson continues to be great! The elders are all so funny (sometimes *cough* immature *cough*) but always sweet. Our teachers are great! Except...I mean, Portuguese is going well for me, but I do worry that our class is kind of behind. Irmão Lopez was gone this week so we´ve had a few different substitutes who have all tried to speak portuguese the whole time, and the others in the class can barely understand anything! I worry, but we´ll all be fine. It might be kind of a bad combination though, because Irmão Ruiz is brand new and we´re his first class, and then Irmão Lopez is a "zone leader" who feels like he owns the place (even though he´s only a little older than us) and so he´s gone all the time and somehow between the two I think we´ve fallen between the cracks. But it´s ok! Everything is so great, I´m so glad to be here!

I want to hear everything from you guys, and more pictures of Caroline please!!:) I really hope I start getting your letters soon. I´m sure I will. I want to hear all about the North Dakota adventure and read more about Cedar City, because I had to skim that pretty fast. I hope everything´s going great!! How is everyone? Everyone safe and sound? Doing well? How´s work for everyone? I love you all SO much!! Write me a ton, and hopefully it will get here soon!

Com muito muito amor,
Heather (Sister Madsen:D)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hi, Family!

Hi family!! How are you??

Thankfully I've figured out the computer situation better, so I have much longer to write this time. No ctrl c for me!! So how is everyone? I was so glad to read your emails!! Speaking of letters though, I´m starting the fourth week now and still haven't gotten anything in the mail! Weird! I know you guys have sent stuff and I keep expecting it every day, but nothing so far. So thanks for sending it all and I can´t wait to get it! But let´s see. To answer all the questions in Katie´s letter!

The weather. It´s winter here, but the only time you would know it is in the morning! At night it´s really not bad, but in the morning it can feel freezing, obviously not as cold as Utah weather but it can really chill you. But all the Brazilians bundle up! Also, the sky is pink at night, I think because it´s such a huge city, random piece of info!

The food. It´s pretty good, but very controversial - apparently the day before we got here, they started making major cutbacks in everything, including food. Our water pressure is really low, we´re really encouraged to turn lights off, etc. Apparently it´s church wide, with the crazy economic stuff. So every day we usually have like two kind of meat that the lunch ladies will hand you, and then a self serve part with rice and beans, some other kind of side, papaya or pineapple or one day there was mango, and almost every day greens with tomatoes for salad. It´s kind of lacking in vegetables, except when they had those greens, mom! I hope that got sent last time, I can´t remember what got sent and what got erased. But they made greens like you do :D So some people really hate the food and always complain. Oh, mostly what they complain about is breakfast. Every day they just put out rolls, ham and cheese. In the last week or so they´ve been doing cereal a few times a week, and sometimes fresh squeezed orange juice, which is awesome!! But rice and beans are a constant for lunch and dinner. And did I tell you one day there was brazilian barbeque? That was amazing, but it´s not normally that good, normally like kind of unidentifiable casseroles and such.

The city seems very big, you can just see it stretching out for miles! We seem like we´re a good ways from downtown, but still in a "big city" atmosphere. Our neighborhood´s called Casa Verde, which a couple of the teachers have said is a bad part of town and they don´t know why they built the CTM here. (Did I tell you it´s the largest church-owned building outside the US?) But we get to go out on P-day within a boundary of a few blocks, it´s so cool! I bought brazilian toothpaste because I´m already out! But it´s so cool to go see the city, and realize how little portuguese i know;)

Sister Johnson is great! We get along really well, we´re always together even when we don´t have to be, like sitting by each other at devotionals and stuff. We complement each other well, she has like this crazy knowledge of the scriptures and has them all memorized, and I can help her with portuguese. We get along great, I´m so glad we never have any problems! My clothes and all my stuff have held up great so far! No problems yet. And I still can´t even think of anything I forgot to bring! Amazing! But yeah, I´m pretty sure I have everything I need, but you guys are so sweet to keep thinking about it:) The shoes are fine so far! I haven´t walked any huge distances in them, but they´ve been good. I think I´ll be fine without the brown ones, at least for now!

So everything here is great. One of our teachers, Brother Lopez, is a little crazy and has decided we must be fluent by our 6th week, so he´s pushing us really hard. But it´s really good, I know I´ll thank him later! He really likes our district though, he went out with us last p-day to show us around our few block area. So the language is coming fine! I really don´t think it will be a huge problem, I think I need to worry more about what I´m going to be teaching and how to teach rather than the language. Brother Lopez has been pushing us to plan to teach people, not lessons, which is amazing. I´m working a lot on teaching skills and being able to go meet someone, find out their questions and concerns, and respond to them on the spot. That´s the main focus of Preach My Gospel as opposed to the lessons of the old days. So it´s been hard work, but everything´s wonderful! They take great care of us here. Oh, they thought they had their first swine flu case and everyone was worried for like 2 hours, but the hospital said the person didn´t have it after all, so it´s all safe here:) How are you guys doing?? I assume you´d tell me if anyone had the flu or wasn´t doing well! I´m sure you´re all fine. But I can´t wait to get those letters and find out more! It has been nice, though to not have to skim so much this time, so I´m glad you´re sending things by mail! I love you all so much!! I have the greatest family in the world.

Oh, funny story, so Brother Ruiz wanted to see all our family pictures, so I brought ours, and he saw Caroline and was so amazed by how adorable she is!! And he´s a really light Brazilian and always talks about how "red" he is (just rosiness we wouldn´t even notice), but he was like "Whaaa! She is so red! I think she is my future wife! We must be meant to be together!" I told him that was weird, but he thought she was adorable:D And everyone else said so too!! Thank you SO much for the pictures of her, she´s as beautiful as ever! Are you showing her my pictures every night? I love you all and hope you´re doing fantastically!! Teach Caroline to yell my name! :) I love you all, hope to hear from you soon!!!

Love love love,

Sister Madsen

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Photos from a Friend

Dear Madsen Family,

My husband is a member of the branch presidency in your daughter´s branch at the CTM. Today we were at the temple with her and took these pictures of her, of her and her companion, and of her entire district. We thought you would enjoy receiving these. Have a wonderful day.


Sister Brinton

Ola Familia!!!‏

OH MY GOODNESS! I just wrote a letter and was almost done, pressed ctrl c to copy it just to be safe, to make sure it wouldn’t get erased, and ended up with everything gone and a lovely little “c” as my whole message! That doesn’t work here!! GAH!

So, here´s the gist of my message. I just tried to skim through all 10 of your letters in my 30 minutes and write you in like 14, it’s sooo hard! I want to read all of your letters so bad! I´ve been checking the mail like crazy and haven´t gotten anything yet, and it´s really hard during internet time to skim through all of them. So please try to use the mail, even though it takes like over a week! But I LOVED the pictures of Caroline and I can see them here, so please keep sending those! Oh man, I can’t believe I just erased that whole letter. The man doing internet time is really nice and let me open a new session, but it closes me out after 30 minutes.

So the Shakespeare festival sounds great, but WHAT?? Cedar Creek´s not there anymore?? That’s so sad!! I bet “As You Like It” was great. I wish I had had more time to read about everything! Maybe next time we can go to an internet cafe and print everything out. Thanks SO much for writing.

So everything here is great! I get along really well with Sister Johnson, she is the one from the airport! We were the only two American sisters who entered our week. Did I tell you anything about the CTM? I can’t remember what I’ve already written! So the CTM is in Sao Paulo, the largest city in the southern hemisphere! According to someone here. There are about 300 people here, only 20 of us are sisters!! So we always get special treatment.

Food here is ok! A couple times it´s been amazing, we had Brazilian barbeque once! It was seriously like Rodizio. But it´s not like that every day for sure. But we have pizza night once a week, and guess what the best kind is? Chocolate banana!! Not joking! It´s so good. What else? Rice and beans with every meal. Oh and mom!! You joked how I was going to Brazil to get away from greens?? They totally served them here once! Exactly like the ones from the farm. I totally thought of you and it made me laugh.

I love you guys so much! I feel so bad I only had 10 minutes to write this. Write me by mail!!! So I can read them all the time rather than skim them like this. Maybe next week I can do a better letter! I love you!!! Til next week!!

Sister Madsen

Monday, July 13, 2009

First Letter from Heather

This is the letter Heather wrote to us on her first day in Brazil. We figure it took a week and a day for us to get it.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

First E-Mail!

Here's Heather's first e-mail to us. We haven't gotten the letter she talks about, but we'll post it when we do!

Hello Family!!! Has my letter gotten to you yet? I sent you one on the first day, almost a week ago, so it might not be yet! It has the instructions on how to write me.

So let´s see, what should I tell you first?? In my letter I wrote you about the flight down and the first day. But I can´t really remember what all I told you! I told you about my companion, right? How impressive she is with her degree and everything? She´s great. We're becoming really good friends already! It´s just the two of us in our room. We were hoping to get brasilian room mates when they arrived on Thursday but no such luck! We really want them because they´re sooo helpful in learning the language. Sorry, this keyboard is crazy and I have such little time, I feel like my “voice” doesn´t sound like me!But I only have a little bit to write.

So I already wrote about the first day. After that…the first week was a little crazy. The normal schedule was all crazy because we had a ton of orientation meetings, etc. But this is our normal schedule: up at 6:30, to breakfast by 7, to the classroom by 7:30, personal study til 8, companion study til 8:30, then classes begin. In the morning we have Brother Ruiz (until lunch at 12). In the afternoon we have Brother Lopez (Until dinner at 4:30). Both are AMAZING! They´re both like only 6 months back from their missions, I think. Ruiz is from Sao Paulo, speaks somewhat limited English, which he learned from companions on his mission. Brother Lopez is Argentino, but fluent in Italian, English and Portuguese! He´s a great teacher for that reason, he knows everything about learning a second language. Ruiz not so much, but he's still fantastic. Both of them are the funniest, sweetest, greatest teachers you could ask for!! They keep the 4 hour blocks interesting the whole time. They completely hold our attention and move between teaching us missionary skills like street contacting and teaching us language the whole time.

I´ve learned so much in classes already! We learn how to approach people (here you need to be aggressive because otherwise people will shove right past you and keep moving.) As for the language, Portuguese is not going to be a problem! On the first day I could understand when the teachers would say simple things like “Can I erase the board?” And “How are you guys?” and stuff, just because it sounds like Spanish. I can already read Preach My Gospel, mostly, since I already know basically what it says. It's nice to be able to help the others a bit! Our district is great. It´s me and Sister Johnson with 9 elders. They're all very funny and silly in a new-missionary kind of way.

So…everything is great!! I´ve gotten slightly homesick only a few times, I was wondering how I would do with it, but they keep us rushing from 6:30-10:30 so there's not a lot of time to think about it. But I do want to hear loads and loads from you guys! I know there's stuff I forgot, but I only have a half hour to write. But yeah, send me either emails here to, or send them to the CTM so I can get mail!:P It's a very exciting thing here. Oh, and check out or something, they're sending you a free add, they advertise at this internet café (across the street from the CTM). See if it's too expensive or what, it sounds kind of too good to be true!

Oh yeah, so this is our P-day! We get to go outside around Sao Paulo! It's amazing, apparently it's the largest city in the southern hemisphere?? I had no idea. It's huuuuge. Brasilians are SO nice! They love to practice English with us. It's about half and half, brasilians and Americans in the CTM. Everything's great, I love it so much!! I love you all, please write and tell me how you are, and check out that website! And send me pictures of sweet Caroline!!! I love you all!

Muito muito amor,
Sister Madsen

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Heather Arrives Safely

We received the following e-mail today. It gives some mailing info at the bottom.

Dear Parents,
We are happy to send the good news that your missionary has arrived safely at the Brazil MTC. What a great joy and privilege it is to greet each missionary as they come through the front door of the MTC for the first time.
They now have companions and are settled into their rooms. They are assigned to a district with capable and caring instructors for language and lesson study. The branch presidents and their wives, who are usually a senior missionary couple or mature Brazilian couple, will soon give them a second greeting. These couples are rewarded in their callings through the love they always develop as they embrace and watch over the missionaries.
The MTC has a full time live-in physician to care for their health needs. He is assisted by his able wife. We are also happy to report that the Cafeteria food is abundant and very good.
Your missionary will be able to e-mail home on Preparation Day after a morning at the Temple. This will be either Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on individual assignments.
We are also parents of children who have served as missionaries. And we have been missionaries who have left family. Please know that we are mindful of you and know of your love for your missionary.
Your very important young person is about to make an eternal difference in the lives of others. We hope you will be encouraged and comforted by this quote by President Lorenzo Snow: “There is no mortal man that is so much interested in the success of an elder [sister] when he is preaching the gospel as the Lord that sent him to preach to the people who are the Lord’s children.”
Please accept our love,
President and Sister Woodward
WE STRONGLY DISCOURAGE SENDING PACKAGES to the Brazil Missionary Training Center. If you have already mailed a package to the Brazil MTC and it arrives after your missionary has left for the field, please understand that the package cannot be forwarded to his or her mission and will be returned to you.
WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE SENDING HAND WRITTEN LETTERS. Please write your missionary´s first and last name and district and mail box numbers above the Brazil MTC address on all letters. Your missionary´s numbers are: District (27-A) and Box (21). Record these numbers for future reference.Example:

Full name: (i.e. Elder Jeffrey Christopherson)

Mission name: (i.e. Belém)

District (##) Box (#)

Brasil CTM

Rua Padre Antônio D’Angelo, 121

Casa Verde, São Paulo, SP Brazil 02516-040

DO NOT SEND ANYTHING BY FEDEX, DHL, UPS, or other private carriers. We can only accept mail sent through the U.S. Postal System