Friday, September 25, 2009

Oi Familia!!‏

Hey guys!:) How is everyone?? I heard from Katie but not Mom and Dad, hopefully there are lots of letters coming up;) I think they´re still just lagging behind getting from the MTC to here. And we only get them once a week, on Tuesday, so I bet tomorrow they´ll all be here!

So a weekly update! This week was...actually a little weird, in terms of the work, I´m totally fine and all. Just weird things kept happening! We had this great guy who was so interested and everything, we call people like that "elect", when they´re super ready to hear the gospel. But we went to his house this week and he´s gone, to Parana, maybe for a month, maybe forever! So that was disappointing... Then another girl, who had told us she wanted to be baptized (kind of rare, usually we invite!) But she started acting all weird this week and avoiding us...we think it´s because she moved back in with her mom, who doesn´t want her to get baptized. Then Marcos and Jovana who I told you about were fighting this week and having financial problems...they´re making it through fine, but it was rocky for a bit. So weird things like that kept happening! All our appointments fell through...but it was a good week, I needed to see the hard side of missionary work, right?:) Can´t just have people leaping into the baptismal font all the time. So it was good overall! Sister Raphaela continues to be an awesome example of everything, she loves to work hard. We´re looking forward to a much better week starting tomorrow!

So what else can I update you on? General facts about everything...let´s see. Oh, someone asked about laundry! I just did that this morning, and no it´s not by hand like I thought! Our mission is apparently the only one in brazil with "washing machines" and microwaves in all the houses. I say "washing machines" because it´s really called like a tanquinha, little tank, and it takes a lot more work. You put in the clothes and water and set it to agitate or whatever, then you have to empty it, not hard, just hook up the hose to a pipe, then fill and empty three more times to get all the soap out. Then we hang stuff to dry. It´s really humid here though, at least on rainy days, and things don´t dry if it´s a rainy spell!! Crazy! I´m so not used to it.

Speaking of the weather, it´s crazy. Today is the first day of spring! Weird, huh, in september? But this week it didn´t know what it was doing. I´ve been the coldest I think I´ve ever been, and also the hottest! Not the hottest, still doesn´t compare to New Orleans, but there was this random day in the middle of the week that was incredibly hot, then rainy and cold the next. Today it´s nice and springish. Crazy!

What else? Hmm, like mission organization-ish stuff... So there are 14 missionaries in Cruz Alta. I thought it would be like my spanish teacher said, where he and his companion were the only ones for miles and miles, but in our ward alone it´s us and a pair of elders. Then 10 more covering the other 3 wards (I think I said there were 2, but there are 4!) We have a district meeting every tuesday morning, where 8 of us, our district, meet and do training and stuff. We just have to walk 15 minutes to the other chapel, so I´m glad we don´t have to take a bus for hours! Everything´s going really well, despite the weird week. My companion says it´s normal, there are "A" weeks where everything goes right and B weeks like the one we just had. But we have 3 baptisms for sure next saturday, and maybe more if they work out! So that will be great, I´ll take tons of pictures and send you guys some! I´m still working out how to do pictures and stuff.

But how is everyone?? I can´t wait to hear about the family. Those pictures of caroline were great, thanks so much! She´s getting more and more beautiful and growing up so much. I can´t believe the fair and football and everything are already going on! Time is flying, there are only 3 more weeks of my first transfer. Crazy!! But write me lots! I do have time now to read an email from the fam, if you want, but I do like getting the long letters, so it´s all good! Update me on how everyone´s doing! I love you all, thank you so much for supporting me in my mission. I love it so much, it´s definitely the best thing I could have done with my life. Thanks so much for helping me get here!!:) Love you all!!!

Muito carinho,

Heather :D

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