Monday, October 5, 2009

Olà Familia!!‏

Hey guys! How are you doing?

First of all, I got your letters and the package! THANK YOU! It was amazing!! All that chocolate...Sister Raphaela and I are chocolate fiends, thanks so much! After a long day, to come home to delicious Snickers, definitely amazing, thank you so much for sending everything I needed, it was definitely appreciated!! :) And it was so good to hear from you in the letters! I love hearing a little bit about every day.

I´m glad everyone´s good and everything´s normal! Congrats on taking the GRE, Katie!!! I know you´ll do great. Did you apply to that librarian program? I can´t believe Caroline´s crawling and almost standing on her own!! I need pictures of her! Please:)

As for me, the week was great! We had Zone Conference on Wednesday, my first one, and it was great! Our whole zone (the two districts in Cruz Alta and a few from surrounding cities, like Provos and Ogdens of here) came to our chapel all day for trainings and...conference-like stuff! It was so great, it felt like a holiday, one of the sisters from our ward made us all this amazing lunch, we all hung out together all day, got amazing training from President and Sister Myrrha, I got your was a great day!

And then General Conference this weekend! I hope you all enjoyed it! It was amazing, I´d been looking forward to it more than ever before, and it was so great! How about Elder Holland´s talk, huh?? He´s been on fire with his last few. We were all just sitting there with our mouths open. It was very "lau" as they say here, for like....good things related to the gospel, I think it´s just a missionary word. But after we all looked at each other and said "lau!"

Other than that, it was business as usual, working with mostly the same people. We´re kind of in a rut as far as finding new people. We really need new families - it´s kind of hard to find whole families here. Mostly the people interested in Church are young people. But we´re working on it! Málika, 13, is going to be baptized Tuesday! She´s from an inactive family, her sister was baptized like last month. And then two more young people, possibly, if their families are OK with it. But we´ve just been working hard! Trying to do better every week.

Oh yeah, this is the last week of the transfer! I can´t believe it! It´s FLOWN. We think Sister Raphaela is staying for one more, I hope so, I feel like I still need my trainer! But we won´t know until the day before she would have to leave. So next Monday lots of changes will be happening, I´ll write you all about it! But we hope we have one more transfer together because we feel like we´ve just gotten started!

Ok, hold on, Sister Raphaela wants to leave and come back because her family hasn´t written yet. So I´m pausing here and I´ll write more in a bit!

Love you, more later!! :)

Later, we got this additional e-mail:

It turns out we´re really short on time, I only have time for a bit more, sorry! But let´s see. The week was good, it was so great to have Zone Conference and General Conference, totally rejuvenated me for another week. But other than that nothing really new!

I´m safe and healthy and everything´s great! I´m getting some awesome callouses on my feet, but that´s the only thing wrong with me :) Oh, and i´m getting to be a spider-killing machine! It doesn´t scare me anymore.

I´m learning and growing in so many ways other than that, every day. You know how in the Grinch it says his heart grew three sizes that day? I feel like that´s happening to me all the time. It´s a great feeling. Thanks so much for all your love and support! It means so much.

I love you all, think of you often, and can´t wait to see more PICTURES of all of you! *hint*:)

Love you so much! Write back soon!! :D

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