Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Second week!‏

Hey guys!!

Bah, once again I´ve spent all but 10 minutes of my time reading your letters and watching videos, and getting pictures of my own uploaded, so I don´t have much time to write, again! I´m sorry, I promise I´ll be better next week.

But let´s see. This week has been a lot better than last! I´m getting the hang of training, we´re getting into a good rhythm, and I´m recovering from the stress and all from the transfer. I´m starting to get the juggling down a lot better! Still getting us lost from time to time and still "dropping the ball" on some occasions, but slowly getting the hang of it. Things have been good, we´re trying to work a lot more with the members and the bishop to get investigators more involved in the ward. It´s kind of crazy to be like, "out on my own" now, the one responsible, you know what I mean. In a lot of ways it is like being a mom, even though I´m not allowed to say that anymore;) And soon my own mom will be moving in to help, when Sister Raphaela comes to stay with us! So that will be awesome.

So I have to be really quick, I have an interview with the president in 15 minutes! But this week was good. I´m feeling a lot better - I was pretty stressed. Sister Draut is doing well - she gets frustrated sometimes with the language, which is normal, but I´m trying to work with her on only speaking portuguese outside our house. She tends to speak english to me really loud, and I feel like a brasilian sometimes, because I feel all weird and foreign when it happens! It´s crazy how much you get used to a country, and I didn´t realize until I was with an American who came straight from there.

This is such a disjointed email and I´m so sorry, but I promise it´ll be better next week. Things are going well with the work, we´re building up a good group of investigators. Last P-day after the p-day part ended and we went out to work, we found a huge family! We were looking for an address and I randomly asked this huge group of kids in the street if they knew the people. So turns out we were right in front of the place we were looking for, but they weren´t home. But it turns out half of the kids were related, and I asked if their family might like to hear a message about Jesus Christ, they said yes, and we taught the 7 kids and their parents! It was great, the parents are Marilene and Jocimar, and almost ALL of the kids have names that start with Joci! Jocimara, Jocilene, Jociana, Jocimar Junior...they´re a super cute family and I can´t wait to see how they progress. So, everything´s going well!

Oh yeah, we had Zone Conference this week, already, way earlier in the transfer than usual, but it was amazing. The president set some great goals that will get us to our goal of baptizing 200 in a month in May, the month before he leaves. So we have a lot to work on and a lot to look forward to. I´m doing great, everything´s fine, I´m healthy and happy and loving working with Sister Draut. We get along well, being from the same country and everything:P, it´s fun to interact with someone so similar. So, we bumble our way around, two foreigners trying to do our best to help people come to know the Savior. So it´s not nearly as hard as I thought, although it is a lot of responsibility and can be stressful at times. I´m loving it, and making it through every day, trying to teach her the best I can. I´m so glad I´m here and being a part of this amazing work!

I love you all so much, it was amazing to read all your letters, and I hope when I go to the office in a minute there will be more there! Oh yeah, I was so surprised to read subject lines like "new family member" and stuff! :O Way to scare me!:) But congrats on the new kitty!!! He is adorable! I can´t wait to meet him. And the videos of Caroline made my day as always, especially her excited face:) I love you all so much, you´re the best family anyone could ask for, and I can´t wait to hear more from you, and write you a better letter next week. Love you!!!

Til next week,


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