Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Another week!‏

Hey guys!

I´m so glad everyone´s doing well! I loved the videos of Caroline - she´s talking so much now! I can´t believe how big she´s getting. Thanks so much for all the updates and everything.

As for here, it was another normal week of work. Things went a lot smoother this time after our travel disaster last week, so that was nice. We found a few new people who were pretty cool - a lady named Simone who´s really young but already a widow, with three kids. She really understood everything we talked about, which was great - there are some people who seem to "get it" and others where their mind is just somewhere else. We also re-found Veronica, a really cool 20-something-ish girl Sister Cantuara and I had found, but when we went to the next appointment she had gone out of town, and then they said she´d moved. But we knocked again at the house where she works, and she was there! So we talked again, she was amazing again, and she gave us the address of her new house. So we went there and she was waiting out in front just like she said, so I got so happy thinking how she must really be interested....but then at the end of the lesson I think we re-lost her again. When we asked when we could come back, she said, "Oh yeah....I don´t know....my boyfriend is really into this church, God Is Love, and he wants to become a member this week, so then I don´t know if we can have you over here after he´s a member". So...that´s always disappointing. But it´s normal, some people are interested and some people aren´t!

What else happened this week? We had a few good lessons with Alba and Luciano, and the whole family came to church yesterday! So that was great. I´m so happy to see Alba´s progress - she´s gaining more of a testimony every day. There´s also kind of a funny coincidence in that we´re teaching one of their relatives! Luciano´s god-daughter Laura, who´s 15. But we didn´t even know they knew each other! Laura was a referral from a member from another ward in her sewing class, and she´s super interested. Then one day Laura´s mom was saying, "The missionaries visit one of my relatives!" and went describing where he lived, and we realized it was Luciano! It was so funny because we had been there right before coming to Laura´s house. So Laura came to church yesterday, and got to see Luciano´s whole family there, so that was nice. Laura´s really cool, and already is way more mature than a lot of adults, so I know if she prays sincerely she´ll get an answer. I´m really excited about her progress.

So, everything continues kind of normal here! It´s really crazy how little time is left, but I´m trying to make the most of the time I have. I´m more grateful every day for this experience and everything it´s taught me. It´s really changed my life for the better, and I´m so glad I made the decision to come. I really don´t know how things would have been if I hadn´t, but I´m so glad for all the ways my testimony had grown, and I know it´s positively changed the course of my eternity. I´m so grateful for all of you and for all your love and support. I love you all so much! Have an amazing week, and talk to you soon!

Sister Madsen

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