Saturday, December 5, 2009


Hey guys!!

So, this morning we had our transfer meeting, where we find out what will happen in the next transferencia....

So I already know where I´ll be spending the next 6 weeks! It´s a change this time, not just staying here with Sister Raphaela...and I can´t think of any more ways to draw it out...;) I´m going to...*drumroll*...

Santa Maria!! In the Camobi area, with Sister Velasquez! I´m so excited! It will be really cool to be there at mission headquarters, seeing the president more often, kind of in the middle of things rather than out here more isolated.

And here´s what I know about Sister Velasquez so far: she was Sister Raphaela´s companion in the the CTM! She´s Bolivian, so Portuguese is a foreign language for us both, but she´s been out almost a year now. And Sister Raphaela says she´s super sweet and great to get along with. So I´m really excited!! :D

It´s been kind of crazy to be leaving Cruz Alta - we both knew we were leaving like a month before because we found out from our Zone Leaders, and then it was confirmed by the President like 2 weeks before, so everyone knew we were leaving, and is all sad to see us go and stuff. Yesterday was our last Sunday, and it was sad because a million people promised to come to church (we really just wanted them to come, but used the excuse of they had to come to "see us off", etc) But it was raining that morning, which meant only about 20-30 people showed up. People here are wimps about the rain!! NO ONE leaves the house when it´s raining. They´re all worried they´re going to melt. But then, very few people have cars either, so it´s a little different than home, but still.

So yesterday we took pictures with a million people and said lots of goodbyes. Tonight we´re having a Family Home Evening with Marcos and Jovana. I think it will be really hard for them - they´re really attached to Sister Raphaela. Everyone´s really sad to see her go, she really made a mark here. I was only here for a bit (she´s been here 7 months), so it´s easier for me. But still crazy to say goodbye to so many people!

But let´s see, what can I tell you about this week? It was pretty good, really hurried trying to get everything done and leave our area perfect for the elders who´ll be coming. And we still barely got anything done! I haven´t packed anything, I´ll have to do it all tonight. But I´ll get it done somehow! :)

Wow, and it´s crazy to think it´s my last night with Sister Raphaela. I´m really going to miss her, she´s been an AMAZING companion. Hardworking and pushes me to be better, but understanding, sweet, fun and a little bit crazy like me:). I really couldn´t have asked for a better trainer. I realize I´m probably not always going to be so lucky... But I know I can make it work with anyone! :)

So, what else...Gah, the internet place we´re in right now has Christmas decorations up! I can´t believe it´s the end of November!! Time is passing REALLY fast. I think it must be Thanksgiving this week, right? There´s no Thanksgiving here:( So think of me, and eat lots of turkey and mashed potatoes for me!! :) But I´m excited to see what Christmas traditions they have here. And Christmas means I´ll get to call you guys! I´ll give you more details on that when I know more.

But I´ve got to be quick! We have a TON to do before we leave tomorrow morning. I´m so glad I got to hear a little bit from you guys. I hope you´re all doing great! I love you all so much, and think of you often. I hope to get more of your letters soon! In Santa Maria I´ll be able to get them every week:) Thanks so much for loving me and supporting me on my mission. I love you guys, have a great week!! Hugs and kisses for everyone, and a big squeeze for Caroline!

Til next week!!



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