Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Birthday, Hump Day, and Transfers!‏

Hey everyone!

So this week was a week of landmarks. My 22nd birthday, my 9 month mark coming up in only 2 days, and transfers are tomorrow!! So I can´t believe my mission is already halfway over. It seems like just a few weeks ago I said goodbye to you guys in the airport...And now begins the downhill slope! You guys were a little premature in your half-way mark wishes at 8 months;) But...I can´t believe how fast it´s going. It´s passing like a dream, and I´m going to have to work my hardest to make sure I actually get something done before it´s over!

So, it was a good week! Although, those 3 baptisms we so hoped to finish the transfer with didn´t happen:( As for Souza, his date was marked for Saturday. We had been prepping him, he was all ready, and seeming more normal than ever. So we took the Bishop and one of the counselors there to meet him on Wednesday...but when we walked in, as soon as I looked at him I knew something was wrong. He had totally been drinking - this time it was obvious even to us. Four days before his baptism. The enemy works so hard to keep people from entering in on the right path. So, he wasn´t baptized this week:( And Joice and Jessica weren´t either, because they´re still in the middle of kind of a custody battle thing, and we want to wait til it´s smoothed out and Vanusa really has custody of them. So...I was really hoping to finish out the transfer on a high note with S. Draut....but these people will still be baptized, all in due time.

So my birthday was a good day, despite the lack of baptisms. We had a normal but good day of work, then came home and had a pizza, brownies and grape Fanta party! Sister Draut got me batteries and my favorite chocolate (here):) It was good, but a little strange - the first birthday I´ve ever spent without you guys! But also the only, so that´s good:)

And then...transfer meeting was today, and we found out what´s going to happen!! A few interesting developments. So, as for me....I´m staying! Like President said in the interview, I have this transfer to finish up my work in Camobi. But, Sister Draut is leaving:( In her place will be coming Sister Lopes, a Brasilian sister with two transfers. She was with S. Pinkston, who´s amazing, so she got really well trained. I´m super excited to work with her! But S. Draut is going to Santo Angelo, kind of out in the middle of nowhere, to work in trio, with two brasilian sisters who only have one more transfer than her! So three semi-newbies all together, it should be really cool. Also in cool developments....both of the elders are leaving Camobi! And in their place are coming....two more sisters! Our ward will now have four sisters. And the ones who are coming are awesome, S. Nogueira, one of the best sisters in the mission, and S. de Oliveira from my MTC group.

So I´m super excited for this next transfer! It´s only a 5 week one, so it will be fast, and I have to work super hard to get everything done here I need to do. That´s really all the time I have for today...but I´m happy, healthy, and super excited to work hard this next transfer! Thanks so much for all your support, guys. I love you all so much, and hope you have an amazing week. Mom and Dad, are you guys home from Ireland yet?? How was it? I love you all, pray for you always, and send lots of big hugs and kisses your way, especially for Caroline. Love you!!

Til next week,

Sister Madsen

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