Monday, March 29, 2010

This week in Camobi‏

Hey everyone! :)

Right now it´s 10:30 in the morning, the summer weather is trying to turn into fall (evidenced by the fact that we´re not sweating yet) and I´m sitting in the little internet cafe by our house, listening to two very tiny little girls behind me, hanging out apparently all by themselves at the internet cafe, describing their Little Mermaid computer game. It´s still really cute for me to hear little kids speaking Portuguese - I always realize how much better they speak than I do:) But I´m having trouble coming up with stories about this week! It was a really average week in the life of a missionary, so I´ll try to tell you a little bit about the people in our life right now.

So, we have the famous Souza. Updates on him - this week our Zone Leaders went there to talk to him, and gave him a little mini baptismal interview. He of course swore again that he hadn´t had anything to drink since that time we caught him in the bar. So the Zone Leaders think we should believe him and go ahead with his baptism! So he´ll be baptised on my birthday if all goes according to plan:)

Wow! Crazy, I was writing just now and heard, "Are you girls from the Mormon church?" I looked up and said yes, and a woman said she had known other sisters in the past, and she had tried to call but the phone was disconnected. She asked if we could go there to pray for them because they had lost someone in the family:( But it´s so crazy how people recognize us all over and the Lord always puts us in the path of people who are in need:)

So who else is there? The others who might be baptized on my birthday are Joice and Jessica, the neices of Gilmar and Vanusa, this amazing couple who were baptised by the elders in January. They´re so great, about 40, and have 5 boys. Their house is always crazy, always someone laughing, someone else crying, painting, yelling, chasing the bunny...they´re such a great family. In the prayers they say in our lessons, they always pray for us to be safe and for our families too, so know you´re being prayed for:) But they´re so great - when we showed up yesterday, Gilmar was in a lawn chair out front reading the Book of Mormon and the Gospel Principles manual. It´s so great when you catch people by surprise and they´re doing stuff like that:) Anyway, Joice and Jessica are their neices, 9 and 11, who they want to get custody of because apparently things are bad with their mom, she´s really irresponsible or something. So, wanting to be parents to everyone, they want to adopt them. But Joice and Jessica are great, love going to church, and if they do get custody of them, will also be baptised soon.

Bah, my time is running short! Sorry, I would love to write huge long letters to you guys, but there´s just never time. I love you all so much and am always praying for you! Tell Leyla I´m praying for her dad as well. Thank Aly for that sweet letter she sent me, and Clyde and Jan as well! And Greg and Cheryl, I got that package you sent to me! Thank you so much! Thank you everyone for your love and support on my mission. I love you all, and you´re all in my prayers. This week the time will continue to fly by as we continue to try to help as many people as possible gain the blessings of the gospel. I´m excited, but the time is slipping through my fingers! I´ll try to make the most of it. I love you all so much and hope you have a great week!

Til next time!


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