Monday, August 30, 2010

Another week!‏

Hey guys!

How are you all doing? It was so good to read all the news from everyone! Unfortunately, I spent a ton of time reading and now have just a little to respond:/ But I´m so glad to hear you´re all doing well and see pictures of adorable Caroline and everything! :D

So this week was good! Let me see, what happened? Wow, it really seems like a really average week and not a lot to tell about. Sister Cantuara hasn´t been feeling that well - she hasn´t been sleeping at night, getting dizzy and headaches and stuff, so we ended up staying in one day. I´m a little worried, and hope we can get it resolved soon. But she´s fine most of the time, don´t worry!

Let´s see, what else? This week, August 28 passed Luciano and Alba by. It´s the date they´ve been planning for his baptism for the year and a half they (or he) has been coming to church. But his dad had a heart attack earlier in the month, and everything else possible combined to keep them from having the money they needed to get married. But we went to their son´s first birthday party on the 27, which their parents threw for him. It was great, and Luciano was really excited - he told us we´d be eating wedding cake next month and that nothing was going to stop it this time. We just have to make the goal and fast and pray that it works out, and then nothing will stop it!

I´ve been learning so much about faith lately - how miracles never happen until after we show our faith. Watching Finding Faith in Christ yet agan this week, I´m able to see that so clearly in that movie now. That every miracle Christ works, he asks beforehand if the person believes he can do it. I´m trying to develop faith like the people in those stories, who knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that if they could just see Christ or touch Him they would be healed. It´s the process of a lifetime, but I´m so grateful for this experience to develop my faith.

So things continue to go well here! Really no exciting or different stories about this week, but everything´s going great. I´m happy and healthy and loving every day I get to be here. I can´t believe how fast it´s going by - it seems like the weeks are going by twice as fast. Next week is another transfer! I´m getting a little desperate at how little time there is left. I still feel like I have so much left to accomplish. But I just have to make every day count! I love you all so much and I´m so grateful for all your help and your unfailing love and support. I love you all more every day. Have an amazing week!

Love always,
Sister Madsen

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