Thursday, October 7, 2010

Conference Week!‏

Hey Everyone!

Wow, I can´t believe you guys already went to Disney World! I was thinking it was at the end of October. I hope it was just as amazing as you hoped! It looks like it was so awesome! Carrie was adorable in her costume, just from what I could see, and it looks like you guys had an amazing time. I´m excited to hear all about it!

As for us, it was kind of an eventful week. The best part was General Conference over the weekend!! I had been counting down the days since last April. It´s amazing how it´s become my favorite time of year - I had never looked forward to it before the mission. But it was incredible! Again, my favorite talks were by Elder Holland and Elder Eyring. They´ve both had a string of amazing talks. The bad part was that we had spent ALL week inviting everyone we came in contact with, with a special lesson about prophets to get everyone excited, and.....almost no one we invited came. But the good part was that the ward mission leader of another ward brought two friends who live in our area! So we have two great references, I`m excited to go teach them tomorrow and Friday.

So Conference was amazing, and then Monday and Tuesday followed it with an amazing Zone Conference! The President came alone, so we were sad we didn´t get to see Sister Ribeiro, but we had two amazing days of training on the new info from Salt Lake, the Simplified Curriculum. We watched more of The District 2, which is so amazing. The hard part was it´s not dubbed in Portuguese yet, so I had to translate it simultaneously for S. Cantuara! It´s a lot harder than I thought. But the training was so amazing. I learned SO much about how to be a better missionary...I just wish I had been doing that stuff all along. But I still have two months to make it count!

So this week was great, a lot learned and a lot to put in practice! I´m really excited. It´s starting to get hot! Already. I´m pretty sure there are two out of twelve months here with good weather, one in spring and the other in fall. The rest is either scorchingly hot or bitterly cold. But that´s how it is in the south of Brasil! And really, I wasn´t that impressed with their winter (now that it´s over at least - I seem to remember complaining while it was going on). But compared to summer, it´s really nothing. So I hope you guys are doing great! I can´t wait to hear more about your trip and everything. And especially Grandma and Grandpa´s anniversary! Give them both a huge hug for me!! I love you all so much and can´t wait to hear from you next week.

Until next time!

Sister Madsen :D

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