Monday, October 18, 2010

This Week‏

Hey everyone!

So today was "transfer day", even though President Ribeiro says for him transfers could be any time, not just in six and six weeks.....but it looks like I´m staying here til the end! With Sister Cantuara! Which is exactly how I would have picked it! There´s still so much to do here, I´m glad I´ll have the opportunity to finish it up at least a little bit.

So about this week.....let´s see. Yesterday was great as we had two great couples come to church! Alba came with Luciano for the second week in a row, something she´s not prone to do, so that was amazing. And *drumroll* Antonio and Danielle FINALLY came! Hurray! Danielle finally had a Sunday off, and they came. I hope they liked it - they said it dragged on a little at the end, but "I bet you get used to it with time, right?" So it sounds like they´re already planning to come again. I´m so happy about them - they´re an amazing family. And Julia, their 18 month old, behaved perfectly! So it was a good Sunday.

What else? We had lunch with Luciano´s family twice this week, so that was great. We stayed after, when he had gone back to work and the kids had gone to school, to talk to Alba alone. It was good - we asked her what her burning questions were, if the heavens opened and she could ask anything, what she would ask. We feel like there´s some huge doubt she´s not telling us about that prevents her from wanting to be baptized. But the question she said wasn´t like that, it was more or less "how to get along with people", but we thought about it, and when we came back marked 3 Nephi 14 for her in the BoM, about the golden rule and judge with righteous judgment. We really want her to get reading the BoM, because we know it can answer all her questions. So I hope she reads!

Other than that, it was a pretty normal week. We found some cool new investigators, but no one who really sticks out to tell about. It´s crazy how little time I have left - I really can´t believe it. I´m trying to work every day as if it´s the last, and praying we can get these people to a good place before I go. Thank you all so much for your updates and sending your love and support. I love you all, and have an amazing week! :)

Love always,
Sister Madsen

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